Monday, March 8, 2010

Okay already...

Family and Friends,
I must first apologize for neglecting to post anything to the blog after my due date.. I did in fact have the babe! Her name is Addison Jane Porter, born on January 7th at 11:33AM. She weighed 7lbs 4oz and was 20.5inches long! I feel like I should go back in time and give some details about the birth for those of you who haven't heard it:)

On my due date (Jan 3rd) I had thought my water had broken. I was super excited at the prospect of having little AJP so Ryan and I raced up to Evergreen. When we got there and I got all "checked out" I was told, "Sorry, your water has not broken. You probably just peed your pants a little bit".... ARE YOU KIDDING ME!! I was beside myself.. I thought at that moment I would be prego for EVER... The next day I had a drs appt. My progress was minimal so my Dr, Dr Gong said that she would like to schedule my induction for 1 week from that appt. I was depressed as I wanted to go as "natural" as possible but also was SO incredibly uncomfortable, I agreed.
Fast forward to Wednesday Jan 6th. I started having more and more painful contractions that day. By lunch time they were pretty frequent and increasingly painful. Ryan and I had met for lunch in Bellevue and thought we might have to go to the hospital from Baja Fresh. However shortly after lunch, the contractions subsided so I went home and Ryan went back to work.

By dinner time I was getting more and more uncomfortable. At 2AM we left for the hospital. When I got checked I was only 2cm dilated but they let me stay!!! I think that was on account of the level of pain I was feeling. I labored until 8:30am when the dr on call came in to check me. I was already to 4cm!!! The dr also said that I didn't have a bag of waters to break.... So they probably had broken on Sunday... "Peed my pants..." Whatever!

Ryan and I had also had a chance to go over my birth plan with our awesome nurse Jen. In short, I wanted to do as little pain meds as possible. She said she would help in every way to get me through! She was amazing!! We could not have had a better nurse! The next couple of hours are now kind of a blurrr but I do know that by 10:30am I was 8.5cm dilated!! I started pushing around 11am and Addie came into the world at 11:33am!!

The last 8 weeks have been wonderful, challenging, amazing, fun, tiring and surprising. Here are some pix from start to current. I promise to update more frequently.