Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Parenthood here we come!!

Hello Friends and Family!

So due to the prompting of some friends and family, we've decided to start a blog to share our journey into parenthood! So how did this journey begin....

On May 2nd, Ryan and I flew into Charles De Gaulle Airport in Paris. I was feeling pretty good, but I knew we should probably get to a pharmacy and get a pregnancy test... Just a little feeling I had. This may seem terrible but I told Ryan we needed to have lunch first so I, (Mama) could have one last glass of wine.... (sorry Mom :) Anyhow, after lunch we made the trek to a pharmacie and asked en francais for a pregnancy test. After the 2 minutes... we had 2 PINK LINES!! Ryan and I were elated! It was such an amazing feeling and we were in the most romantic city in the world!
A few days later we took another test and it too was positive. We decided it was time to tell the Grandparents! We couldn't get our cell phone to work so we ended up sending an email, which we like to think was met with much celebration! Rick (Ryan's dad) let us know that to commemorate the birth, he purchased a bottle of Leonetti for the family to enjoy after the birth! That is exciting news for us wine drinkers, and something I'll be looking forward too! My mom is a wizz in the sewing/knitting dept and said she would start knitting immediately. Which we're also looking forward too!

After we got home from France, I went to the dr and confirmed the pregnancy. The doctor confirmed that I was about 5 1/2 weeks along. I was still feeling incredibly good, so thought I was in the clear as far as morning sickness goes. About 2 weeks later I was proven very, very wrong. Ryan and I had been training for a 1/2 marathon and I got up early one Saturday morning to run with some ladies in my neighborhood. After a nice 8.5 mile run I got home and knew I wasn't feeling well. That's when it all began.... I don't need to put in much detail here. If you've been through it, I'm sorry and I sympathize!

At week 13 or 14 I started feeling much better! The photos I posted are from week 16 and currently I'm at 19+ weeks so I think I look a little bit bigger. I'll try and be better about posting and getting pix up for those of you who have been asking! I'll also try and get "better" with learning the ins and outs of blogging so I can hopefully make the page more interesting!


  1. Thank you, Thank you for starting this blog! I am one of the prodders, anxious to see Laura through all of her stages and all of the stories! I wish I lived closer but at least I can still follow along!

  2. I have to second Alana's thank you! I live close and still don't get enough Lola time :)
    P.S. You are one cute prego!

  3. 'bout time! I am so glad to see this up and running! Love you
