Friday, January 1, 2010

40 weeks on Sunday and darn ready to have this kid!!!

From Ryan: We called the hospital Christmas night because Laura was having contractions as close together as every 4 minutes but then they started spacing out and weren't progressively getting stronger. The contractions stopped after a couple hours and she was finally able to get to sleep. False alarm! Since that time just some random contractions with notably strong, but infrequent contractions Wednesday night. The rule of thumb for gong to the hospital is contractions every 4 minutes, at least 1 minute long for a duration of at least an hour. Or water breaks.

At this point we're just waiting.... It looks like our little girl is just way too cozy! At Laura's last dr appt she was 1 cm dilated and 40% effaced so we're hoping that the activity this week has increased the effacement. We'll keep you posted!
Here are some pics of our Nursery:


  1. You are just too cute, Laura. I'll be waiting to hear the big news.

  2. Um...OK. There is officially no sign of the baby on this site! The internet is demanding baby pictures!

    Hope you guys are doing really well and adjusting to a new routine!

